About page

About me

I am backend Java developer with total 2y1m of commercial experience. I have worked as a member of backend team in a live casino company, where we worked on microservice application. #### List of java frameworks and libraries used: Java 17, Spring, Spring Boot (Data, Cloud, etc), Caffeine cache Thymeleaf & Mustache template engines Observability - SLF4j/Logback, Micrometer, Jaeger Tests - Junit5, Mockito, Cucumber for E2E tests, Testcontainers for Integration tests. #### List of cloud technologies: Kafka as message broker to decouple components, Redis as key-value store, gRPC/protobuf & websocket fo one-to-one communication. Docker - to run cloud stuff locally & for home server on RPi Kubernetes, AWS. Jenkins for CI/CD pipelines. #### Data stack: PostgresSQL as main SQL driver, Clickhouse as analytical DB, Airflow to move data around, Superset to create analytics. Liquibase is what I used to define and upgrade database schema. I’ve toyed around MongoDB #### Everything else Linux is my daily driver Python - for Airflow scripts Common Lisp ## About site See About section

Non-commercial experience

In university, I was studying C, Assembler and Lisp. I worked on personal project of 3D game engine using Java, LWJGL(OpenGL, GLSL, GLFW). It worked, and you could free-fly in 3d space with simple terrain infinitely generated around you. Eventually I realized that I have to rewrite it all from scratch. Original project is lost( I did some simple air quality monitoring projects with ESP32. It sent data to MQTT broker on my Rpi4. I played around making Minecraft mods & no-sql databases like MongoDB